Terms of Service of Poker Card Elite

Thank you for choosing to use Poker Card Elite! Before starting to use, please carefully read the following terms and conditions. By using our application, you agree to comply with the following regulations and guidelines.

1. Use License

We grant you a personal, non exclusive, non transferable license to use our gaming applications, but only for personal entertainment purposes.

2. Age requirements

You must be at least 13 years old to use our gaming applications. If you are a minor, you must use our application under the supervision of your parents or guardians.

3. User Code of Conduct

When using our game application, you must comply with relevant laws and regulations, and promise not to use the application to engage in any illegal, irregular or infringing behavior on the rights of others.

The use of inappropriate language, pornography, violence and other harmful content is prohibited, and fraud, fraud, malicious attacks and other behaviors are also prohibited.

4. User content

You can upload and publish personally created content within the application, but you must ensure that you have the corresponding copyright or usage rights.

We reserve the right to review, edit, or delete content uploaded by users. If any content is found to violate laws and regulations or the terms of service of users, we have the right to immediately delete it.

5. Fees and Payment

Our application may contain paid content or services, and you will need to pay the corresponding fees according to the relevant regulations.

You understand and agree that once payment is completed, the fee will not be refunded.

6. Rights reserved

We reserve all rights and interests in the application, including but not limited to intellectual property and trade secrets.

You are not allowed to modify, copy, distribute or sell our application in any form.

7. Disclaimer

We are not responsible for any direct or indirect losses that may arise from your use of the application, including but not limited to data loss, loss of profits, etc.

You understand and agree that any risks arising from your use of the application will be entirely borne by you.

8. Change and Termination of Agreement

We have the right to modify the user service terms as needed at any time and will publish the latest version within the application. You should regularly review the content of the terms and keep abreast of any changes to the terms.

We reserve the right to terminate or suspend your use of the application at any time as needed without prior notice and without assuming any responsibility.

By using our Poker Card Elite, you agree to comply with the above user terms and conditions. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact our customer service team: [email protected]:. Thank you for your cooperation and support!